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Successful professional services practitioners understand that building a healthy referral base requires creating and nurturing healthy relationships with referral sources (other service professionals) and clients.

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IWIRC, the premier networking organization for women in the practice of insolvency and restructuring, helps its members achieve productive relationships by providing a range of practice development and networking opportunities that enhance their professional stature within an open and friendly culture.   IWIRC's yearly dues are very reasonable and include access to all the benefits below, with the only additional fees being for events.  The benefits of IWIRC include:

  • Over 2,400 global members, comprising many of the senior women in the bankruptcy field, provide a robust network of contacts, an excellent resource for referrals, career guidance, practice expertise and camaraderie.
  • Fifty-seven national and international networks offer opportunities to actively participate at a local level "at home" as well as be welcomed at events in other locations.
  • The publicly-accessible member directory promotes each member's specific expertise, field of practice, experience and capabilities, and is searchable by a set of useful criteria.
  • IWIRC is a non-profit business organization under U.S. Internal Revenue code as a 501(c)(6) organization.  Dues are not charitable donations but may be deductible as business expenses as allowed by law.
  • Leadership opportunities available to those who stay involved.
  • Members have access to programs and tools relevant to their practice.
  • Members are invited to speak, publish and/or present their intellectual capital at meetings, via the website, and through mail and email and other channels of communication, enhancing their professional profile.
  • Access to IWIRC's Speakers Bureau. Members may browse our speakers or search based on specific skills and/or particular industries. 
  • An international events calendar is available on the website to keep members aware of the 100+ events that take place annually on a local and regional basis.
  • Reduced registration fees for members are offered to the annual Spring and Fall Conferences, as well as many of the Networks' regional and local events.
  • Members save time and travel dollars on major IWIRC meetings because they are piggybacked with other professional meetings such as NCBJ, ABI, TMA and INSOL.
  • Members may take advantage of a special INSOL membership rate of $145. Click here to see why INSOL membership may be right for you.
  • A quarterly e-newsletter provides publishing opportunities to members and our online chat rooms helps members stay in touch.

Membership Dues Schedule

Standard annual membership $250
New practitioner annual membership (< 3 years in practice) $125
Government and Academic annual membership $100
Student annual membership (limited to four years) $35
INSOL Optional Membership $145

Each member selects a primary Network when they initially join; and as always, members are welcome and encouraged to participate in any other Networks events or to be included in their mailing and notification lists.

Because of the economic structure in Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central and South America, the rates for those networks are as below.

Standard annual membership $100
New practitioner annual membership (< 3 years in practice) $50
Government and Academic annual membership $40
Student annual membership (limited to four years) $20

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IWIRC offers an environment that promotes the expertise and successes of women in the industry, creating member-to-member business opportunities, and positioning itself as the industry’s definitive resource for information about, and the advancement of, women in every discipline of restructuring.