Thursday, December 3, 2020
International Announcement
2021 Board of Directors Announced

Stanardsville, VA - December 3, 2020 - The International Women's Insolvency
and Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC), the premier international, networking and
professional growth organization for women in the restructuring and insolvency
industry, recently announced its 2021 Board of Directors.
Carrianne Basler (AlixPartners, Chicago), past Chair and Chair of the 2021
Nomination Committee announced that "This year's process highlighted the
incredible breadth of talent in our membership and their fervent dedication to IWIRC
worldwide. We are delighted to present the composition of this new Board that will
be leading this organization in 2021”.
The complete list of directors can be found at this link.
Leyza Blanco (Sequor Law, Miami) will be the first Hispanic Chair of the Board of
Directors. Blanco stated, "I am honored to have been named IWIRC’s next chair. I
will be a steward to the IWIRC mission and continue to make IWIRC accessible to
everyone, increasing diversity and helping our worldwide members connect and
forge productive relationships.”
The other officers include Jennifer Kimble (Lowenstein Sandler, New York),
Vice-Chair; Marjorie Kaufman (Getzler Henrich & Associates LLC, Boston),
Secretary; Karen Fellowes (Stikeman Elliott, Vancouver) Finance Director ;
Michelle Pickett (PwC Canada, Toronto ) Immediate Past Chair. New to the
Executive Board is Evelyn Meltzer (Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP) as
Vice Finance Director. “I believe strongly in IWIRC’s mission to connect and
promote women in the insolvency and restructuring profession and look forward to
continuing to advance this important work in my new role with the Executive Board
in 2021 and beyond.” said Meltzer.
Michelle Pickett, outgoing Chair shared, "One of IWIRC's missions is to provide
opportunities for members to develop their leadership skills. Well, I certainly got that
opportunity in 2020. Being chair of IWIRC in 2020, during a global pandemic, was a
once in a lifetime experience. It's an experience I will fondly remember and certainly
not soon forget. It was a growth opportunity for members of the executive, the
board, and our administrative director. We all had to think differently about how we
delivered value and supported members around the globe during these
uncertain times. I finish my year as Chair knowing that IWIRC will be in very capable
hands with Leyza Blanco as Chair in 2021. Leyza is a trailblazer and is well suited
to lead IWIRC out of the pandemic and into new opportunities to Inspire, Inform and
Connect our members worldwide."
IWIRC is committed to the connection, promotion and success of women in
insolvency and restructuring worldwide. For more than 25 years, across the board
room, courtroom and the continents, our diverse relationships make IWIRC the
premier organization for women in the restructuring and insolvency professions.
IWIRC networks are located in Asia, Europe, North America and South America.
We welcome development of new networks in these or new regions. Be Inspired.
Be Informed. Be Connected. For more information, please contact Administrative
Director, Shari Bedker, or visit

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