IWIRC-NJ is currently soliciting applications for positions on the board. Our nominating committee is being chaired by Ilana Volkov, Esq. If you are interested in a position on the board, please let her know no later than November 2nd. You may run for up to 3 positions. Her email is ivolkov@coleschotz.com.
The board positions are:
Chair or Co-Chairs
The Chair or Co-Chairs shall be responsible to the Board of Directors of the Network for the administration of the Network’s affairs. In addition the Chair or Co-Chairs shall have the responsibilities of the office including:
- Presiding at all meetings of the Network and the Board of Directors of the Network;
- The Chair or Co-Chairs shall be responsible for signing, on behalf of the Network, all agreements, and other formal instruments.
- Representing the Network in the insolvency community and at Network events;
- Appointing committee chairs upon consultation with the Board of Directors of the Network;
- Appointing committee members whose selection is not otherwise provided for in these guidelines;
- Serving as an ex-officio member of any committees except for the Nomination Committee;
- Acting as authorized signatory on all transactions from Network’s bank account;
- Reviewing the Network’s Annual Report compiled by the Secretary;
- Attending the Annual Leadership Summit on behalf of the Network, or in the event the Chair or Co-Chairs cannot attend the Annual Leadership Summit, designating such other appropriate officer or director who will attend the Annual Leadership Summit on behalf of the Network.
Vice Chair/Secretary
The Vice Chair/Secretary shall assist the Chair or Co-Chairs with her or their responsibilities and perform such duties as may be delegated or assigned to her by the Chair or Co-Chairs. In addition, the Vice Chair/Secretary shall:
- Assume the office of the Co-Chairs automatically upon vacancy of the office during the term of the Co-Chairs; and in such event, the Vice Chair shall hold the office a) for the unexpired term if one year or less, or b) if the unexpired term is greater than one year, until a successor is elected to hold the office for the remainder of the unexpired term;
- Act as liaison between the Officers and Committee Chairs;
- In conjunction with the Chair or Co-Chairs, prepare agendas for all meetings of the Board of Directors;
- Keep records of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Network, and make a report thereon;
- Issue notices of calls and Meetings of the Board of Directors and the Network;
- Review Network Operating Rules as needed;
- Tally and record all votes and elections results;
- Be responsible for compiling the Network’s Annual Report and submitting the Annual Report to IWIRC International by March 15th or the next business day if it falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday; and
- Perform such duties as may be delegated or assigned to her by the Co-Chairs or the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall be in charge of all funds of the Network of any type. In addition, the Treasurer shall:
- Render to the Board of Directors at the Annual meeting, and whenever else it is so requested, an accurate account of all sums received and disbursed during the preceding fiscal year and of all funds not expended;
- Approve payment of all verified bills;
- Maintain an itemized record in a permanent file of all receipts and expenditures and provide a written report of the same at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
- Provide an annual report of receipts and expenditures, and an annual budget;
- Comply with the duties and obligations assigned by IWIRC;
- Establish and maintain a fiduciary bank account in the name of the Network or for the benefit of the Network at an appropriate financial institution as shall be decided upon by the Board of Directors; and
- Act as an authorized signatory on all transactions from the Network’s bank account.
Director of Programming
The Director of Programming shall support the Board of Directors in all aspects of Network programming. In addition, the Director of Programming shall:
- Be primarily responsible for developing and managing the Network’s programming plan for each year (both substantive and social); and
- Coordinate with venues and assist with the promotion and registration for events (e.g., preparing flyers, making name tags, managing registration table at event) unless such duties are otherwise delegated.
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications shall be primarily responsible for all of the Network’s communication efforts. In addition, the Director of Communications shall:
- Maintain the IWIRC-NJ email account and send all email blast including regarding events, member news, etc.;
- Create and maintain all registrations for events;
- Coordinate annual submission to IWIRC International newsletter;
- Provide updated information to IWIRC International so that the administrator of the IWIRC Website can insure that the Network web page on the IWIRC website contains current and accurate information; and
Director of Membership & Sponsorship
The Director of Membership & Sponsorship shall direct the Network’s efforts in developing, retaining, and broadening the membership base of the Network as well as soliciting, monitoring, and communicating with Network Sponsors and potential sponsors. In addition, the Director of Membership & Sponsorship shall:
- Maintain the membership list;
- Facilitate the recruitment of new members;
- Sending out reminders regarding membership expiration and renewal to the Members of the Network.
- Manage the Network’s sponsorships program;
- Conduct the Network’s annual sponsorship drive; and
- Serve as a liaison to Network Sponsors throughout the sponsorship year.
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