
Welcome to the IWIRC Scotland Network


The Scotland Network was established in February 2022 and became IWIRC's 51st Network worldwide. Events have been held in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, as well as online and our membership continues to grow. We also have a particular focus on young professionals via inclusivity in our main events and also through our NewCrew initiatives, which are led by a sub-committee.

Upcoming events

We strive to have events which encompass the traditional as well as the modern. Past events have included drinks receptions, silent discos, online talks, panel discussions and members-only lunches. Our events follow the IWIRC taglines of 'Be Connected', 'Be Inspired' and 'Be Informed'. We are always receptive to new ideas, so please contact a committee member if you have a suggestion or would like to host/sponsor an event.

A flavour of our events for 2024 include our now famous 'February Fizz', an online event for International Women's Day, NewCrew Mixers, Scotland North events, an Edinburgh Festival event, panel discussions / technical talks, exclusive member-only event and, to round the year off, a Merry Meditation!


Our profession depends upon collaboration and connection and we recognise that networking events, amongst other things, can be daunting early in career. To this end, we have formed a sub-committee headed up by two of our members who are young professionals themselves. We aim to have several NewCrew events each year - creating a safe and supportive space for our young professionals to network with their peers and also to access the wealth of knowledge and experience our more members in more senior roles can impart.  


There are many benefits to joining as a member of IWIRC Scotland. You have access to all other IWIRC networks worldwide - to attend events, make new contacts or if you are seeking to make a professional work referral to another jurisdiction (and vice versa). There are local and international IWIRC newsletters in which members' articles and achievements can be shared.

Upon joining IWIRC Scotland, we will introduce you on our LinkedIn page with a short biography, thus promoting you to fellow IWIRC Scotland members and all other professional contacts who follow our page. Additionally, we promote the successes of our members - from job promotions, to articles, to personal achievements - and we will contunue to celebrate the breadth of skills and accomplishments of our members. We offer some member-only events each year, to foster the development of the Scottish network and particularly allowing young professionals direct access to more experienced members.

Committee Members

Please do reach out to any of our committee members below if you have any queries.

Lucy McCann and Gillian Johnston (Co Chairs), Catriona Lynch (Secretary), Emma Turnbull (Treasurer), Joyce Thomson (Membership), Courtney Clelland and Alexandra Wark (Communications), Laura McMillan and Lucy Dale (Events), Amy Hamilton and Nicola Rollings (Scotland North sub-committee), Sarah Wilson and Joanna Berry (NewCrew sub-committee). 


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Scotland Network
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Scotland Network

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