Southern Africa

Welcome to the IWIRC Southern Africa Network

Women are leading "not by adopting the style and habits that have proved successful for men but by drawing on the skills and attitudes they developed from their shared experience as women" (Judy B. Rosener, Harvard Business Review).  

This is a fundamental principle behind IWIRC and and indeed the IWIRC Southern Africa Network, where we want to encourage women that practice in the Insolvency and Restucturing profession, and in allied professions, to share their experiences so that we can grow together and lead together.

We are inspired by Nawal El-Saadawi's famous quote: "Solidarity between women can be a powerful force of change and can influence future development in ways favourable not only to women but also to men".  This quote will form the cornerstone of the IWIRC Southern Africa Network under the leadersip of inaugural board, comprising Chair Nastascha Harduth, Vice-Chair Peppy Kekana, Treasurer Zeenath Kajee, Secretary Roxanne Webster, Bridget Letsholo and Rene Bekker.

Our Logo was inspired by the fact that the Southern Africa Network was launched in August 2022. August is Woman's month in South Africa. The zodiac sign for August is Leo, and lions are synonymous with Africa, and, of course, lionesses hunt in packs. The sand dunes have been included because Southern Africa has such beautiful dunes in the deserts and dunes at the sea coasts - both appear barren at first glance but are in fact teaming with life…if you know where to look (much like the Insolvency and Restructuring profession).

By joining the Southern Africa Network  you will have access to mentors, sponsors and coaches through the IWIRC global network of rock star women.

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